Updated information for 'The Packages' section.Removed everything in the boosting section.New name is 'Extra: The Heist Informants '.

Added two locations for the Watch Dogs job.Added 'Extra: What guides do you want?''.Added missing bank heist package (all done!).Fixed the layout on 'Hoxton Breakout D1'.Added more Package locations to 'Hoxton Breakout D1'.Added more locations for 'The car shop heist'.Packages near each other are now in group together.Fixed typos and weird location descriptions.Added some new stuff to the '60K Views' Section.Added a few new locations to the Meltdown Heist.Added almost all car shop heist locations.Added to locations to car shop (Only 1 left that we just found out we needed).Added a new section ''Makers of the guide''.Added more packages on GO Bank,Train Heist, Shadow Raid, Diamond Store, Nightclub, Mallcrasher, Framing Frame D1, Rats D3, Big Oil D1, Watchdogs D1, Street Escape, Meltdown, Car Shop, Hoxton Breakout D1.Added Locations: White Christmas, Big Bank, Hotline Miami, The Diamond, The Bomb Heists sections.Added Locations on Shadow Raid, Big Bank, and Rats D3.Location #14 in Locations: Framing Frame D3.Added Locations: Election Day D2 (Plan C).Added more locations for "First World Bank".Renamed "Other stuff" to "Other guides".Added "Locations: Hoxton Breakout D2" and packages.Added all packages for "Locations: Panic Room".Added all Locations for Gage packages on Rats day 2.Added 19/20 Locations for Gage packages on Watchdogs day 2.Removed the 3 Locations for Gage packages on Watchdogs day 2 that already was in the guide.Added a few Locations for Prison Nightmare.Added all Locations for Firestarter day 1 & Day 2.